Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Tonight is a formal dinner where the Captain will be present. Today was a sea day with a lot to keep one busy. There were dance classes, lectures about where we are going. There was a discussion about the history of the Panama Canal and the indiginous people who lived here long before the European explorers arrived. There was interesting information imparted to us about the politics of this southern central American area. Panama hats are not made in Panama and we shall elaborate on that later.
Just to let you all know that if you want to watch the Prinsendam transit the Panama Canal it can be done. Go to www.pancanal.com./eng/photo/cam. The Prinsendam will go through on Jan. 11 starting at about 7 am and should be finishing the canal about 5 pm. There are three cameras: one at the Gatun Lock, one at the Miraflores Lock and one on a bridge somewhere. The cam takes still pics about every 15 to 20 seconds. Remember to account for the time difference. You may find your friends or relatives on deck watching the operation of the locks.


  1. Hi, Tracy I wasn't able to access that camera web site, but I found one at http://www.pancanal.com/eng/photo/camera-java.html that works!


  2. Ok - It's the 11th. No more reports? It's been 2 days!!
    (Hugs!) Janet

  3. Hi Tracy - hope your internet is working and you are having a good time - MaryAnn
